Week 1

Our first destination was the Foundling Museum. Here is the image of a scared Moses whom his wet nurse (his actual mother) who had raised him was returning him back to his adopted mother, the Pharaoh's daughter. This image represents the experienced faced by many orphans and why it was important for the Foundling to receive donations to take in more orphans. Who knows, maybe saving the life of one poor orphan is important, he/she will take people to the promised land. 
Here are actual tokens that parents would give to identify their children if they can one day return for them.
This is a piece done to show some of the cruel words the orphans heard from their teachers and parents. Jane Eyre was also told she is a liar.
This painting in the Foundling Museum is showing a sick child in the Foundling Hospital being cared for.
Our second destination was the Geffrye, there we were able to see the decor of a middle class home in various time periods. Here I am sitting in a comfortable chair of a later time period, but what is interesting is my hand placement. I did not realize it at first, but it seems to be a natural position of many women. Is this a learned condition? I imagine if I was wearing the typical petticoat and corset over layers of clothes this chair would suddenly be less comfortable.

Lastly we completed our week with a visit to Tate Britain. Here is one of the many captivating photos depicting female sexuality. It speaks for it self. 


  1. I like that you made connections to the week's theme -- and got yourself in the setting of Victorian middle-class life.

  2. I like your explanations of the artwork at The Foundling Museum and some of their intended purposes. I also like your insight into the socialization we sometimes experience as women (often unconsciously!) and how it can be related even back to the 19th century.

  3. I loved the picture of yourself and how you commented on your hand placement! Maybe it is a learned thing that women do.. I notice that I do this too. Also, the picture of the shirt that says "you are a liar" is a wonderful connection to Jane Eyre!

  4. Very nice job at the picture decisions! This was the hardest part for me. You do a good job at connecting the week to Jane Eyre as well as our overall Growing as A Global Citizen topic.

  5. nice connections ! I like how you related every picture back to the book and you did good job explaining them.


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